Snapchat Symbol Meanings

Snapchat Symbol Meanings

Snapchat symbol meanings | all snapchat symbol meanings | snapchat symbol meanings on Story | best friend snapchat symbol meanings | snapchat symbol meanings arrow | snapchat symbol meanings sand timer | snapchat symbol meanings hourglass | gold star snapchat symbol meanings | snapchat symbol meanings square plus

Snapchat is one of the popular social media platforms, people share their picture or snap and uploads their snapchat stories. Previously we discussed Snapchat emoji meaning you can check out some popular emojis that we use once a day, if you want to understand the emoji meanings then you can read this article.

The meaning of emoji depends on their looks or expression, but sometimes the meaning of this emoji relies on the situation, like when and where we use this emoji to express our emotions.

Here we will discuss Snapchat symbol meanings, yes there are many different types of symbol emojis present on the social media platform, let us see them one by one,

Snapchat symbol meanings:

Snapchat is a very popular social media platform, this platform provides many features to its users they can post or share pictures on their profile as stories, and Snapchat provides many other features like stickers, emojis, memes, and cartoon faces characters.

As we said Snapchat provides many features to the users like emojis but there are also some unique symbols present to make an interactive post, here we are going to discuss these symbol’s meanings,

All snapchat symbol meanings:

Let us see Snapchat symbols’ meanings, here we try to mention these emojis in chart format which helps you to find these emojis easily with their meaning.

EmojiEmoji meaning
Peace symbol
Medical symbol
Atom symbol
🚼Baby symbol
🔰Japanese symbol for beginners
recycling symbol
Wheelchair symbol

Snapchat symbol meanings on Story:

Firstly we need to understand What is meant by a Story. here when a person posts a picture (image of anything) and wants to share it with everyone his followers (friends and family) see that image and compliment him by liking the picture.

The story is the easiest way available to publish their creativity or thoughts.

Best friend snapchat symbol meanings:

There are few emojis are used to indicate the Best friend Snapchat symbol, let us see them one by one:

  1. 👭: Here we can see two women holding hands, this shows a close bond and relationship shared between friends
  2. 👫: There are two different genders men and women holding their hands, to express the close relationships shared by friends.
  3. 👬: Here we can see two different emoji man and a woman holding hands, this emoji expresses the close friendship shared by friends.
Snapchat symbol meanings arrow:

Different features and functions are represented by different icons and symbols throughout Snapchat. Snapchat’s arrow symbols are as follows:

  • Solid Arrow: This icon expresses that your Snap has been sent to the recipient.
  • Filled-In Arrow: This symbol indicates that the recipient has opened and viewed your Snap.
  • Double Arrow: The double arrow icon on Snapchat indicates that the recipient has taken a screenshot of your Snap.
  • Purple Arrow: A purple arrow on Snapchat means that the recipient has replayed your Snap at least once.
  • Blue Arrow: A blue arrow icon appears when you send a chat message to a friend. It indicates that the message has been sent.
  • Blue Filled-In Arrow: The blue filled-in arrow appears when your chat message has been delivered to the recipient.
  • Blue Double Arrow: The blue double arrow symbolizes that the recipient has read your chat message.
Snapchat symbol meanings sand timer | snapchat symbol meanings hourglass:

There are two different Sand timers or hourglass emojis available, to represent the time:

  1. ⌛: This hourglass is used to express the time is up or done.
  2. ⏳: This sand timer is used to express the running time.
Gold star snapchat symbol meanings:

The gold star Snapchat symbol typically indicates that someone has had a snap replayed within the last 24 hours by someone who has the replay feature enabled. It can also express that someone has sent a snap that was then added to the recipient’s snap story.

Snapchat symbol meanings square plus:

The Snapchat symbol with a square and a plus sign typically represents the Add by Snapcode feature.

If you all wants to explore the Unicode for these emojis, you can check out the given link.


Here we try to cover all the point that helps you to understand the Snapchat symbol meaning, there are some emojis also we cover which help you to understand the snapchat symbols meaning. To know more and understand the emojis you can access our site Ans2How.

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